/*! lightgallery - v1.2.0 - 2015-08-26 * http://sachinchoolur.github.io/lightgallery/ * copyright (c) 2015 sachin n; licensed apache 2.0 */ (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var defaults = { videomaxwidth: '855px', youtubeplayerparams: false, vimeoplayerparams: false, videojs: false }; var video = function(element) { this.core = $(element).data('lightgallery'); this.$el = $(element); this.core.s = $.extend({}, defaults, this.core.s); this.videoloaded = false; this.init(); return this; }; video.prototype.init = function() { var _this = this; // event triggered when video url found without poster _this.core.$el.on('hasvideo.lg.tm', function(event, index, src, html) { _this.core.$slide.eq(index).find('.lg-video').append(_this.loadvideo(src, 'lg-object', true, index, html)); if (html) { if (_this.core.s.videojs) { try { videojs(_this.core.$slide.eq(index).find('.lg-html5').get(0), {}, function() { if (!_this.videoloaded) { this.play(); } }); } catch (e) { console.error('make sure you have included videojs'); } } else { _this.core.$slide.eq(index).find('.lg-html5').get(0).play(); } } }); // set max width for video _this.core.$el.on('onaferappendslide.lg.tm', function(event, index) { _this.core.$slide.eq(index).find('.lg-video-cont').css('max-width', _this.core.s.videomaxwidth); _this.videoloaded = true; }); var loadonclick = function($el) { // check slide has poster if ($el.find('.lg-object').hasclass('lg-has-poster')) { // chack already video element present if (!$el.hasclass('lg-has-video')) { $el.addclass('lg-video-palying lg-has-video'); var _src; var _html; var _loadvideo = function(_src, _html) { $el.find('.lg-video').append(_this.loadvideo(_src, '', false, _this.core.index, _html)); if (_html) { if (_this.core.s.videojs) { try { videojs(_this.core.$slide.eq(_this.core.index).find('.lg-html5').get(0), {}, function() { this.play(); }); } catch (e) { console.error('make sure you have included videojs'); } } else { _this.core.$slide.eq(_this.core.index).find('.lg-html5').get(0).play(); } } }; if (_this.core.s.dynamic) { _src = _this.core.s.dynamicel[_this.core.index].src; _html = _this.core.s.dynamicel[_this.core.index].html; _loadvideo(_src, _html); } else { _src = _this.core.$items.eq(_this.core.index).attr('data-src'); _html = _this.core.$items.eq(_this.core.index).attr('data-html'); _loadvideo(_src, _html); } var $tempimg = $el.find('.lg-object'); $el.find('.lg-video').append($tempimg); // @todo loading icon for html5 videos also // for showing the loading indicator while loading video if (!$el.find('.lg-video-object').hasclass('lg-html5')) { $el.removeclass('lg-complete'); $el.find('.lg-video-object').on('load.lg error.lg', function() { $el.addclass('lg-complete'); }); } } else { var youtubeplayer = $el.find('.lg-youtube').get(0); var vimeoplayer = $el.find('.lg-vimeo').get(0); var html5player = $el.find('.lg-html5').get(0); if (youtubeplayer) { youtubeplayer.contentwindow.postmessage('{"event":"command","func":"playvideo","args":""}', '*'); } else if (vimeoplayer) { try { $f(vimeoplayer).api('play'); } catch (e) { console.error('make sure you have included froogaloop2 js'); } } else if (html5player) { if (_this.core.s.videojs) { try { videojs(html5player).play(); } catch (e) { console.error('make sure you have included videojs'); } } else { html5player.play(); } } $el.addclass('lg-video-palying'); } } }; if (_this.core.docss()) { _this.core.$el.on('onslideclick.lg.tm', function() { var $el = _this.core.$slide.eq(_this.core.index); loadonclick($el); }); } else { // for ie 9 and bellow _this.core.$slide.on('click.lg', function() { loadonclick($(this)); }); } _this.core.$el.on('onbeforeslide.lg.tm', function(event, previndex) { var $videoslide = _this.core.$slide.eq(previndex); var youtubeplayer = $videoslide.find('.lg-youtube').get(0); var vimeoplayer = $videoslide.find('.lg-vimeo').get(0); var html5player = $videoslide.find('.lg-html5').get(0); if (youtubeplayer) { youtubeplayer.contentwindow.postmessage('{"event":"command","func":"pausevideo","args":""}', '*'); } else if (vimeoplayer) { try { $f(vimeoplayer).api('pause'); } catch (e) { console.error('make sure you have included froogaloop2 js'); } } else if (html5player) { if (_this.core.s.videojs) { try { videojs(html5player).pause(); } catch (e) { console.error('make sure you have included videojs'); } } else { html5player.pause(); } } //$videoslide.addclass('lg-complete'); }); _this.core.$el.on('onafterslide.lg.tm', function(event, previndex) { _this.core.$slide.eq(previndex).removeclass('lg-video-palying'); }); }; video.prototype.loadvideo = function(src, addclass, noposter, index, html) { var video = ''; var autoplay = 1; var a = ''; var isvideo = this.core.isvideo(src, index) || {}; // enable autoplay for first video if poster doesn't exist if (noposter) { if (this.videoloaded) { autoplay = 0; } else { autoplay = 1; } } if (isvideo.youtube) { a = '?wmode=opaque&autoplay=' + autoplay + '&enablejsapi=1'; if (this.core.s.youtubeplayerparams) { a = a + '&' + $.param(this.core.s.youtubeplayerparams); } video = ''; } else if (isvideo.vimeo) { a = '?autoplay=' + autoplay + '&api=1'; if (this.core.s.vimeoplayerparams) { a = a + '&' + $.param(this.core.s.vimeoplayerparams); } video = ''; } else if (isvideo.html5) { var fl = html.substring(0, 1); if (fl === '.' || fl === '#') { html = $(html).html(); } video = html; } return video; }; video.prototype.destroy = function() { this.videoloaded = false; }; $.fn.lightgallery.modules.video = video; })(jquery, window, document);